How to become a member
To become a member of AIEJI you must fill out the membership application form, sign, scan and send it by mail to Or, if you prefer, by regular post to the address on top of the form.
AIEJI has 3 forms of membership:
1. Category A – Associations of Social Educators
- The annual fee is 10% of the collected contingents. For example: If an association collects 24,000 EUR, the fee is 2,400 EUR. Maximum
2. Category B – Private or public agencies, training and research centres, educational institutions and other relevant workplaces
- Category B members pay according to the number of employees:
- Workplaces with up to 30 full time workers pay 95 EUR/120 USD annullay
- Workplaces withup to 100 full time workers pay 190 EUR/245 USD annullay
- Workplaces with up to 300 full time workers pay 380 EUR/490 USD annullay
- Workplace with more than 300 full time workers pay 600 EUR/775 USD annullay
3. Category C – Individual members
- The annual fee is 40 EUR/50 USD annullay
Special rates
- For associations, workplaces and individuals from developing countries the fees are reduced by 50%.